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Matthew Rodgers


Matt was born and raised in Lufkin except for a brief stint in Dallas when he was very little. He graduated from Hudson High School in 2011 and began pursuing certifications in many fields, such as irrigation, project management, general contracting, carpentry, and more. In February of 2023 Matt joined the staff of the Ellen Trout Zoo. His extensive knowledge has helped the maintenance department excel in revamping and modernizing the zoo. 

Favorite Animals: Nile Crocodile

Favorite Holiday: Christmas. It's wholesome, family oriented and invaluable.

Favorite Color: White

Little Known Fact: At the age of 33 I can still run a mile in 7 minutes and 12 seconds... I was surprised too! 

Best Quote: "Good leaders don't make excuses. Instead, they figure out a way to get it done and win." - Jocko Willink

"Try not. Do or do not. There is no try." - Yoda

Favorite Memory: Relocating Chilean flamingos ahead of 14 degree weather. That day required a "zoo wide" effort, that I'm proud to be a part of.

Who Inspired You?: My sister. Had I not been tasked to raise a 12-year-old at the age of 21 (her), I would've turned out different. Forever thankful.

Best Advice for Those Wanting to Join the Zoo Field: "Everything at a zoo is wild, sometimes even the circumstances. It's a great thing. Just make sure your heart's in it."

Toughest Challenge: Revising the hand of cards I was dealt. I was successful.

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